Hydro mas­sage beds for cli­nics & hospitals


Increase patient satis­fac­tion in your hos­pital with our VELUSJET® hydro mas­sage bed. The hydro mas­sage beds will free up time for your qua­li­fied per­sonel, to be used for other the­ra­peutic measures!



Addi­tional income can be gene­rated, and the pro­fi­ta­bi­lity of your clinic can be increased since use of our VELUSJET® in cli­nics and hos­pi­tals is available around the clock and can be billed with a dedi­cated KTL number. The gentle the­ra­peutic form of water jet mas­sage can be used in a variety of ways to treat most ortho­paedic conditions.


Many years of coope­ra­tion with expe­ri­enced the­ra­pists have allowed us to develop a number of hydrojet mas­sage pro­grams for cli­nics and hos­pi­tals to treat the most important muscle groups. All it takes is one touch on the screen!

If required, indi­vi­dual mas­sage pro­grams can also be created with the Jet Desi­gner soft­ware, which the patient can then con­ve­ni­ently call up using an NFC card or directly on the VELUSJET®.

Our Tip: In cli­nics, the VELUSJET® is used both with and wit­hout a touch panel, with their respec­tive advan­tages. The touch panel offers the oppor­tu­nity to accom­pany the mas­sage as a the­ra­pist and to respond to patient com­plaints very indi­vi­du­ally during the mas­sage. The devices, on the other hand, which are ope­rated with indi­vi­dua­lized mas­sage pro­grams on cards, do not require any fur­ther care during the mas­sage. The mas­sage pro­gram is deter­mined in advance during the con­sul­ta­tion and later called up by the patient using the NFC card on the VELUSJET®. We are happy to help!

what our cus­to­mers say

Silke Leyh

Haus­arzt­praxis Picard

Hannah Burg


Bert Störmer

Park­hotel Bie­le­feld Milser Krug

Chris­tian Ruppmann

Phy­sio­the­rapie Wiesenhof


Reduc­tion of strain on staff and support 
Diverse themed massages 
Greater patient satisfaction 
Low ope­ra­ting costs 
Ser­vice with dedi­cated KTL number 
Higher efficiency 
Ready for work around the clock 
24-month warranty 


A hydrojet is a par­ti­cular asset for health-con­scious com­pa­nies. The com­bi­na­tion of health-sup­porting aspects and well­ness invites cus­to­mers to use it regularly.

Our experts

Please contact us if you have any ques­tions about the VELUSJET®.

If you want to use the most reliable
device on the market as well, we shoud talk

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