Your com­pe­ti­tive advantage


A hydrojet gives guests of your hotel or spa the option of enjoying a soot­hing mas­sage wit­hout making an appoint­ment first, at any time and wit­hout even nee­ding to get out of their clo­thes. They can enjoy the plea­sant warmth radia­ting into the deepest tissue layers to pro­mote blood cir­cu­la­tion. The gentle power of the jets will loosen their mus­cles and release tension.


Ihrem Hotel oder Spa noch mehr Mehr­wert verleihen


Hydrojet beds give hotels & spas the ideal oppor­tu­nity to offer guests more ser­vice in a simple manner. Treat your guests to more than a little benefit by cor­di­ally gree­ting them in their rooms with a “Wel­come Mas­sage Vou­cher”. This will make them aware of the VELUSJET®

. They will gra­tefully see the mas­sage as an addi­tional amenity of the hotel and remember your hotel fondly. It’s one more reason for your guest to return to your hotel and recom­mend you!

The VELUSJET® is available 24/7, offe­ring the fle­xi­bi­lity your dis­cer­ning guests want!

OUR TIP: Intui­tive ope­ra­tion wit­hout the need for trai­ning is par­ti­cu­larly important to ope­ra­tors of hotels and spa faci­li­ties. This saves you a lot of time, espe­ci­ally with fre­quently chan­ging guests. The VELUSJET® offers inte­res­ting con­cepts that can be opti­mally inte­grated into your faci­lity with or wit­hout sepa­rate bil­ling. We are happy to help!

The Hydrojet

Adver­tise as a hotel with wellness

what our cus­to­mers say 

Silke Leyh

Haus­arzt­praxis Picard

Hannah Burg


Bert Störmer

Park­hotel Bie­le­feld Milser Krug

Chris­tian Ruppmann

Phy­sio­the­rapie Wiesenhof


Can be used wit­hout scheduling 
Mas­sage as a “wel­come gift” for your guests 
Can be com­bined with other spa and beauty offers 
An invest­ment that pays off 
No addi­tional staff needed 
Guests using the “Wel­come gift vou­cher” will get to know the entire spa offer 
As dis­count in kind for flat-rates 
Bespoke mar­ke­ting material 


simple and wit­hout obgligation

Our experts

Please contact us if you have any ques­tions about the VELUSJET®.

 If you want to use the most reliable
device on the market as well, we shoud talk

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    Are you inte­rested in our VELUSJET® for hotels and spa?