Employee bene­fits through BGM


Work-life balance and employee satis­fac­tion in your com­pany is beco­ming more and more important in par­ti­cular in today’s fast-paced times. A hydrojet may help solve this issue. The VELUSJET® well­ness is the “win-win” situa­tion for your com­pany and your employees alike. It will make you attrac­tive as a com­pany and draw atten­tion to your efforts in social care.



Inte­gra­tion of a hydrojet in your com­pany as a cor­po­rate health manage­ment mea­sure will greatly increase employee moti­va­tion. The oppor­tu­nity to relax will pro­mote iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with your com­pany. Relaxed employees not only have higher moti­va­tion, but also get sick less often and work more effectively!

Our tip: Keep track of things with the VELUSJET® Advanced. In this way, your employees receive mas­sage quotas that you have spe­ci­fied, which they can easily redeem using an NFC card on the VELUSJET®.


Our experts

Please contact us if you have any ques­tions about the VELUSJET®.


Valuable entre­pre­neu­rial con­tri­bu­tion to social care 
Deduc­tible as ope­ra­ting expenses 
Tax benefits 
Gua­ran­teed short break from the stressful daily work rou­tine for employees 
Improves employee loyalty 
Lower absences due to sick leave 
Lower absences due to sick leave 
Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with the com­pany improves Can be used wit­hout any per­sonnel expenditure 
Can be used around the clock 

what our cus­to­mers say

Silke Leyh

Haus­arzt­praxis Picard

Hannah Burg


Bert Störmer

Park­hotel Bie­le­feld Milser Krug

Chris­tian Ruppmann

Phy­sio­the­rapie Wiesenhof

If you want to use the most reliable
device on the market as well, we shoud talk

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